Questions About Our Hair?
Q: Will any of the hair be blended (synthetic and human hair)?
A: Normally our hair items are separately 100% pure synthetic or 100% human hair.
Q: Will you have pre-stretched hair?
A: Yes.
Q: Will you have crochet pre-looped hair?
A: Yes.
Q: Will you have crochet hair without the loop?
A: Yes.
Q: Will you have different colors (solid color, two-toned, Ombre) and styles of hair?
A: Yes, we have braids in solid color and ombre colors with different styles.
Q: How will the prices vary?
A: The prices vary according to the colors and the sizes/specs of the items.
Q: What lengths will be sold (8, 10, 12, 14, 18, etc.inches)?
A: Yes, our lengths are generally from 8 inches to 32 inches. Also, the other kinds of lengths can be customized.
Q: How long will it take to receive shipment?
A: We can ship the goods by vessel and by Air. It will take about 5-10 days by air from our factory to your home or company.
Q: Will you have both synthetic and human braiding hair (what styles)?
A: Yes, we have both. By using synthetic hair or human hair, we can make crochet braids, hair bundles, hair closures and wigs.
Q: Will your brand of hair be able to be shampooed and if shampooed will it get tangled or how bad will it get tangled (some synthetic hair you cannot wash)?
A: Our human hair items can be shampooed at any time while the synthetic hair should be shampooed less frequently as possible because synthetic hair will be tanged if you shampoo it too much, which is decided by the property of synthetic raw material.
Q: How well does your hair lock when tied after being crochet or braided (some hairs do not lock well because it’s too soft)?
A: We lock the braids by good twisting to be secure.
Q: I usually wear my crochet braids for a month. Will your hair look good in a month with the shine, lust, healthy, full, and not knotty? (We will have to cut some of it off, but it should not look raggedy).
A: Yes, our braids will be the same as they were at the beginning.
Q: Are the samples of hair in the Sample Pack the hair texture of crochet as well?
A: Yes.
Q: How natural do your colors look, for example does #27 look sandy blonde or does it look orange?
A: The colors of our hair items reflect the real colors of the natural objects. For example, our #27 color is sandy blonde.